Is it possible to control content on different pages by checkboxing wich content is shown where on a wordpress theme page?

You can use the WordPress Settings API to do what you’re looking for.

You can follow this – WordPress Settings API Tutorial ( ) to setup an options page, and depending upon the options saved in database you can show different content.

Example –

// get the stored value in variable - foo
$foo = get_option('option_name');

if ( $foo == 1 ) {
    echo 'check box in CHECKED';
} else {
    echo 'check box in NOT CHECKED';

Update –

Yup there’s Options Framework plugin plugin which can be used for this purpose.

The Options Framework Plugin makes it easy to include an options panel in any WordPress theme. It was built so developers can concentrate on making the actual theme rather than spending time creating an options panel from scratch. It’s free to use in both commercial and personal projects, just like WordPress itself.

– A Quote from plugin’s description