Custom random quote widget breaks when used in multiple sidebars

No parent necessary: the difference between a not-working widget and a working widget was this:

$text1 = apply_filters( 'widget_text1', $instance['text1'], $instance );


$text1 = apply_filters( 'widget_text1', empty($instance['text1']) ? '' : $instance['text1'], $instance, $this->id_base);

I realized putting multiple Random Text widgets on the same page, their titles worked, but their text content did not. So I copied the properties (empty($instance…etc.) from the title to each of the text instances.

The widgets themselves were instantiated, but the text areas weren’t. At least, that’s what I think was happening. I don’t know enough PHP to know for sure.

If anybody has insight as to why the second version works and the first doesn’t, I’d be happy to hear it. 🙂