Jigoshop search taxonomy

You need to change the query settings before it is run. I’m assuming that you have a search.php page, but if not I’ll tell you where to put the code at the end.

In search.php add this to the very top of the file (above the get_header() call) –

$args = array(
    'posts_per_page' => get_option('posts_per_page'),
    'paged' => $paged,
    'post_type' => $post_type, // The post type that you wish to search
    $taxonomy => $term // Where $taxonomy is say 'cheese' and $term (must use the slug) is maybe 'cheddar'. Can be omitted if you do not actually wish to search taxonomy/terms. I think you can also pass $term as an array of terms - array('cheddar', 'brie', 'edam').

If you do not have search.php, nest the code as below and place it at the top of your index.php file –

if(is_search()) :
    { Code from above goes here }