Load categories with ajax

The error says it all, you are sending the request to a invalid host.

Change this:

 var ajaxurl="http://my-site.co.uk <?php bloginfo("wpurl");?>/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php";


 var ajaxurl = "<?php echo esc_js( admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ) ) ?>";

Note: from your code and description I’m assuming you are generating the jQuery code within PHP and it is not in a js file.

Additionally, you must die/exit the program after after the ajax response is sent out (this is not done automatically and the request could be open forever, see documentation):

echo $response;
// Terminate

And more wrong things I see in your code: you are saying to jQuery to work with JSONP data but your ajax response is a HTML string. You should remove this line or change it to the correct data type:

dataType: 'jsonp',

After the edition of the question, you have introduced a new problem. You are trying to asign the_content() to the value of $response but the_content() prints the post content, it doesn’t return any value. If you want to get the value of the post content you should use get_the_content() instead and to get the same result as the_content you should apply the_content filters. Change this:

$response .= '<p>'. the_content().'</p>';


// <p> are not need because the the_content filters include wpautop()
$response .= apply_filters( 'the_content', get_the_content() );

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