Modifying Dashboard edit.php

You could edit the columns for your CPT like so:

function edit_cpt_columns($columns){
    $columns = array(
        'cb'        =>  '<input type="checkbox" />',
        'title'     =>  __('Post')

    return $columns;
add_filter('manage_edit-CPT_columns', 'edit_cpt_columns');

function manage_cpt_columns( $column, $post_id ) {
    global $post;

    switch( $column ) {
        case 'title' :
            $link = get_permalink($post->ID);
            echo '<a href="'.$link'">'.$post->post_excerpt.'</a>';
        default :
add_action( 'manage_CPT_posts_custom_column', 'manage_cpt_columns', 10, 2);

You would need to replace CPT with the name of your custom post type.

The first function declares you columns while the 2nd function fills the columns with data.