New to WordPress & Freelancing [closed]

Unfortunately I’ve heard that comment a couple of times:

WordPress was just like Weebly and a drag and drop enthusiast for
those who can’t code.

Which is undoubtedly wrong. WordPress is a CMS (Content Management System). A CMS is a piece of program that (as its name suggest) manages your content for you, however the way you want to represent your content, is up to you.

To start with WordPress, you need several skills. Such as:

  • Moderate skill in PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript
  • Basic understanding of Database (such as MySQL)
  • And most importantly, knowing how WordPress puts all these together to output a website

You see, there is no content saved in any files of a WordPress installation. All that renders the look of a website, all Themes and Plugins.

A Theme is a bunch of PHP templates that form each page of a website based on its type. Then, WordPress fills that particular template with the content it grabs from the database.

So, in short, this is what happens:

  1. You create a PHP file telling WordPress how to output the HTML
  2. You create a post that only has content (text, image, etc) from the admin panel
  3. WordPress saves the content in the Database, and then grabs it later to fill your PHP templates with those contents, to shape the final HTML output

It’s not possible to actually learn WordPress from scratch as a single Q&A. Your best place to start, is the Codex. You’ll find anything you need to know there.

Good luck, and most importantly, Have fun!