Out of memory error reporting

How do your users upload photos? You’re right about register_shutdown_function. It seems to work well in my code, though I only ever call my back-end via AJAX (I’ve also got file upload functionality), and so only need to account for this case. Here’s how I set it up in my plugin. Outside of the plugin class, somewhere at the bottom of the file, I have a function:

function fatal_handler_ajax_wrapper() {
    $error = error_get_last();
    if( $error !== NULL) {
        $ret = array('status' => -1, 'msg' => 'Fatal error on server. Please contact server admin.');
        $errfile = "unknown file";
        $errstr  = "shutdown";
        $errno   = E_CORE_ERROR;
        $errline = 0;

        $ret['details'] = $error;
    echo json_encode($ret);

In my plugin constructor I hook it up like this:

function __construct() {
    register_shutdown_function( "fatal_handler_ajax_wrapper" );
    // ... whatever else you may need to do in your constructor

I’ve successfully tested it using this SO question‘s code (produces a nice fatal error). Put it somewhere inside your AJAX handler function in the back-end and watch the back-end return a nice JSON object to the front-end:

while (true) {
    $a = $a.$a;

Edit: just discovered from this SO question that register_shutdown_function will execute pretty much every time, even if there is no error. I’ve edited the code snippet to reflect this fact.