Remove one srcset entry from wp_get_attachment_image

This is the wrong approach. Mobile devices are being served the small image because the default sizes attribute is incorrect for your uses case, not because of the srcset.

If you provide a correct sizes attribute then browsers will choose a more appropriate source. If you remove the 300w version without changing the sizes attribute the browser will probably just pick the 600w version, which will probably still be blurry. In fact, given modern mobile display resolutions I’d wager that it is choosing the 600w version or higher already, but that’s still too blurry.

The reason the image is blurry is because your sizes attribute (which is actually just the WordPress default) is telling the browser that on displays smaller than 2664px the image is displayed at 100vw, i.e. the viewport width, but the image is actually displayed at 100vh because of your CSS, meaning that the image is actually being displayed much much wider if the display is vertical.

You need to tell the browser what width the image will actually be displayed at. If your images are 16:9 the the image is going to be displayed at 1.77 times the height of the display (16/9 is 1.77). You can tell the browser this by setting the sizes attribute to calc(100vh * 1.77):

        'sizes' => 'calc(100vh * 1.77)',

Unfortunately. because the image is sized vertically, it’s not possible to provide a 100% accurate sizes attribute unless you know the aspect ratio of the original image. If you or your users are going to use a variety of different images in this slider, then you may want to dynamically calculate the ratio:

$image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $attachment->ID, 'full' );
$ratio = $src[1] / $src[2];

        'sizes' => "max(100vw, calc(100vh * $ratio))",

I added max() here to indicate that the image will display at 100vw or calc(100vh * $ratio), whichever is wider. This is to account for the behaviour of object-fit if the original image is tall and narrow.