R Hex to RGB converter

Based on the comments already given, you can use this code: However, looking at your requested result, it seems that you have the alpha-value as first hex-number in your x – so you need to create a substring:

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HTTP Error 503, the service is unavailable

It could be that the user identity is outdated, especially if you’ve tried starting a stopped app pool and the next request again fails. In IIS, go to the Application Pools under the Server, then find the correct Application Pool for your web site, and click on it. On the Advanced Settings menu to the … Read more

What’s the purpose of the LEA instruction?

As others have pointed out, LEA (load effective address) is often used as a “trick” to do certain computations, but that’s not its primary purpose. The x86 instruction set was designed to support high-level languages like Pascal and C, where arrays—especially arrays of ints or small structs—are common. Consider, for example, a struct representing (x, … Read more

How to make a monopoly board using css grid?

I want to create a monopoly board like . There are following features in the board The corner are square shaped and bigger than other boxes The text of each row is facing a specfic angle. My basic html structure is below Board Row 1 Tile 1 Tile 2 … I am successful in creating … Read more