Python Error – TypeError: input expected at most 1 arguments, got 3 [duplicate]

Can someone explain why I can not use your_name in the goal variable?

my_name = "Bryson"
my_age = 29
your_name = input ("What is your name? ")
your_age = input ("What is your age? ")
print ("My name is", my_name,", and I am", my_age, "years old.")
print ("Your name is", your_name,", and you are", your_age,".")
print("Thank you for buying my book,", your_name,"!")
goal = input ("What was your favorite part of the book,", your_name, "?")

The error I get is:

goal = input ("What was your favorite part of the book,", your_name, "?")
TypeError: input expected at most 1 arguments, got 3

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