We can set the author_url
argument of WP_Comment_Query
as null
(empty string will not work) to search for comments that don’t have an author url. Currently (ver 4.8.1) the has_author_url
isn’t supported.
Using a sub-query to exclude those comments, with no author_url
, using comment__not_in
, should work, but wouldn’t probably scale well. Setting fields
as ids
would reduce the query data.
Alternatively we can create a helper plugin like this one, to support the _has_author_url
input argument for WP_Comment_Query
* Plugin Name: WPSE-278861: Support for the _has_author_url WP_Comment_Query argument
add_filter( 'comments_clauses', function( Array $clauses, \WP_Comment_Query $query ) use ( &$wpdb )
if( isset( $query->query_vars['_has_author_url'] )
&& true === $query->query_vars['_has_author_url']
$clauses['where'] = " {$wpdb->comments}.comment_author_url != '' ";
return $clauses;
}, 10, 2 );
and then use it to support the has:url
comments search parameter, on the edit-comments.php
add_action( 'pre_get_comments', function ( \WP_Comment_Query $query )
// Only target the `edit-comments.php` screen
if( ! did_action( 'load-edit-comments.php' ) )
// Only target the search comment's query
if( ! isset( $query->query_vars['search'] ) )
// Only target 'has:url' searches
if( false === strpos( $query->query_vars['search'], 'has:url' ) )
// strip 'has:url' (I leave it as is from the OP)
$query->query_vars['search'] = trim(
'!\s+!', ' ',
str_replace( 'has:url', '', $query->query_vars['search'] )
// Query for comments with an author url
$query->query_vars['_has_author_url'] = true;
}, 10, 2 );
Note that we got rid of the global variables $onlyhasurl
and $pagenow
This is untested, but hopefully you can adjust it to your needs!