Redirect to page for KPI/marketing purpouses

Yes, you should use 301 redirects. There are quite a number of plugins that will do this. I would suggest trying a handful of different redirect plugins and seeing which one works best for your case. The main differences are that some will automatically include “/go/” at the beginning of the URL just to make sure you don’t have conflicts with actual URLs, and some appear in different wp-admin menus, so if you have multiple site users you may prefer one plugin that appears in a certain place to either enable more users to set them up, or less users if you want to restrict who has accesss.

In any of these plugins, you type in the short URL which you’ll be printing, then put in the long URL which includes the full permalink plus GA UTM parameters, which you can either just type in or use Google’s Campaign URL Builder to generate. The plugin will handle redirecting from the short print version to the longer query-string version which is what will feed the data into Google Analytics.