Search results show a different site [closed]

Okay, so for #1 I would suggest you get the WordPress SEO by Yoast plug-in onto your site and by default with no changes once installed it’ll help optimize your site for the best Website Ranking.

Furthermore this plug-in adds a box near the bottom of all pages, posts, and media objects which allow you to see how a Google search might look for your post and it allows you to modify that output to make changes to different elements in the box rather than the post’s default meta data otherwise.

enter image description here image

2. “What can I do to get my blog in the first pages.”

The Website Rankings of a site that links to your site is important. If an Authoritative Site links to your site or a specific post on your site then your search engine ranking for that post would increase signifigantly.

When the Authoritative Site links to other posts, those posts inherit some of the authority when sites like this link to other sites. It’s as if the Authoritative Site puts a stamp of approval on sites they link so these sites get the ranking boosts.

Having Authoritative Sites link to your posts is a good method to boost a site ranking.