Show selected value in a drop down menu

WordPress has a great little function built in for handling selections.

<option <?php selected('value1', 'value2');?> value="foo">Bar</option>

You can also check out these form handling functions:

Your HTML syntax is wrong as well. Per W3C, ‘value’ is not an attribute of the select tag. The value of a select is defined in the options of a select. It should look like this:

<select name="country" class="mid2" id="country" style="width:150px;">
    <option value="US" <?php selected('US', $userdata->country);?>>USA</option>
    <option value="ES" <?php selected('ES', $userdata->country);?>>Spain</option>
    <option value="FR" <?php selected('FR', $userdata->country);?>>France</option>