Sqoop Incremental Import

Consider a table with 3 records which you already imported to hdfs using sqoop

| sid  | city       | state    | rank | rDate      |
|  101 | Chicago    | Illinois |    1 | 2014-01-25 |
|  101 | Schaumburg | Illinois |    3 | 2014-01-25 |
|  101 | Columbus   | Ohio     |    7 | 2014-01-25 |

sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ydb --table yloc --username root -P

Now you have additional records in the table but no updates on existing records

| sid  | city       | state    | rank | rDate    |
|  101 | Chicago    | Illinois |    1 | 2014-01-25 |
|  101 | Schaumburg | Illinois |    3 | 2014-01-25 |
|  101 | Columbus   | Ohio     |    7 | 2014-01-25 |
|  103 | Charlotte  | NC       |    9 | 2013-04-22 |
|  103 | Greenville | SC       |    9 | 2013-05-12 |
|  103 | Atlanta    | GA       |   11 | 2013-08-21 |

Here you should use an --incremental append with --check-column which specifies the column to be examined when determining which rows to import.

sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ydb --table yloc --username root -P --check-column rank --incremental append --last-value 7

The above code will insert all the new rows based on the last value.

Now we can think of second case where there are updates in rows

| sid  | city       | state    | rank | rDate      |
|  101 | Chicago    | Illinois |    1 | 2015-01-01 |
|  101 | Schaumburg | Illinois |    3 | 2014-01-25 |
|  101 | Columbus   | Ohio     |    7 | 2014-01-25 |
|  103 | Charlotte  | NC       |    9 | 2013-04-22 |
|  103 | Greenville | SC       |    9 | 2013-05-12 |
|  103 | Atlanta    | GA       |   11 | 2013-08-21 |
|  104 | Dallas     | Texas    |    4 | 2015-02-02 |
|  105 | Phoenix    | Arzona   |   17 | 2015-02-24 |

Here we use incremental lastmodified where we will fetch all the updated rows based on date.

sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ydb --table yloc --username root -P   --check-column rDate --incremental lastmodified --last-value 2014-01-25 --target-dir yloc/loc

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