Suddenly, all links in #content div are not clickable, but I don’t see any z-index bug? [closed]

That’s easy. You have the following CSS rule:

.module-image a, 
.module-gallery a, 
.themify_lightboxed_images .post a, 
.themify_lightboxed_images .type-page a, 
.themify_lightboxed_images .type-highlight a, 
.themify_lightboxed_images .type-slider a {

    pointer-events: none;  
    cursor: default;

This rule applies because body has a class themify_lightboxed_images.

pointer-events: none; is the last thing you want on your links. This basically means that the element doesn’t exist to cursors and you can click right through it..

If you want to enforce your own rules without changing any theme’s styles or add CSS classes to all your links, add the following CSS rule:

a {
   pointer-events: auto !important;  
   cursor: pointer !important;

You should generally avoid !important but it will do as a temporary fix. It will overwrite all your links. I suggest to find a better solution as soon as possible.

Just a tip: this is purely a CSS question and should be asked in SO. I hope you know better next time.