momentJS date string add 5 days
UPDATED: January 19, 2016 As of moment 2.8.4 – use .add(5, ‘d’) (or .add(5, ‘days’)) instead of .add(‘d’, 5) Thanks @Bala for the information. UPDATED: March 21, 2014 This is what you’d have to do to get that format. Here’s an updated fiddle ORIGINAL: March 20, 2014 You’re not telling it how/what unit to add. Use –
Difference between “addi” and “add” for pseudoinstruction “move” in MIPS?
The addi instruction requires an immediate operand rather than a register, so the $0 would actually be 0: Both will work and have all the needed information encoded into the instruction itself): However, it would be more usual to just use the zero-locked $0 register in this particular case since that is, after all, its purpose. I would also tend to use the unsigned variant however, since I … Read more
How to add an object to an ArrayList in Java
You need to use the new operator when creating the object or else and your constructor shouldn’t contain void. Else it becomes a method in your class.
Using __add__ operator with multiple arguments in Python
No, you can’t use multiple arguments. Python executes each + operator separately, the two + operators are distinct expressions. For your example, object + 1 + 2 really is (object + 1) + 2. If (object + 1) produces an object that has an __add__ method, then Python will call that method for the second operator. You could, for example, return another instance of A here:
git add . -> still “nothing to commit” with new files
Your commands look correct (I’ve done them many times that way). First try and then try git status. I don’t think that will solve it, but worth trying next. Next try looking at your .gitignore file, if you have one (in the top level where you did git init). Remove any listings there that are causing your … Read more
How can I concatenate two arrays in Java?
I need to concatenate two String arrays in Java. What is the easiest way to do this?