momentJS date string add 5 days

UPDATED: January 19, 2016 As of moment 2.8.4 – use .add(5, ‘d’) (or .add(5, ‘days’)) instead of .add(‘d’, 5) Thanks @Bala for the information. UPDATED: March 21, 2014 This is what you’d have to do to get that format. Here’s an updated fiddle ORIGINAL: March 20, 2014 You’re not telling it how/what unit to add. Use –

Difference between “addi” and “add” for pseudoinstruction “move” in MIPS?

The addi instruction requires an immediate operand rather than a register, so the $0 would actually be 0: Both will work and have all the needed information encoded into the instruction itself): However, it would be more usual to just use the zero-locked $0 register in this particular case since that is, after all, its purpose. I would also tend to use the unsigned variant however, since I … Read more

Using __add__ operator with multiple arguments in Python

No, you can’t use multiple arguments. Python executes each + operator separately, the two + operators are distinct expressions. For your example, object + 1 + 2 really is (object + 1) + 2. If (object + 1) produces an object that has an __add__ method, then Python will call that method for the second operator. You could, for example, return another instance of A here: