Storing/querying custom date data

I would store as a custom field, like you say as a timestamp or ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). That way you can leverage WP_Query’s Custom Field Parameters for queries within your theme files. For instance: // Get posts where the custom field is less than the current time $foo = new WP_Query(array( // other query vars… … Read more

Linking custom taxonomies and posts

you can do this using the plugin “Advanced Custom Fields”, just create a field type “post object” and them associate this field with the “Work” custom post. Later in your template, you can get the artist data, a object with all elements by your custom post named Talent. Advanced Custom Fields have a great documentation … Read more

Loop in taxonomy for terms and post

There are a few things wrong: In your code you are using the same $args array in the WP_Query call that you used in your get_terms call. Perhaps you meant to use $postargs in the WP_Query call? @Milo is correct…you should be using posts_per_page, not number. Your tax_query array element ‘field’ says ‘name’ but you … Read more

How to query authors by custom taxonomy?

Not sure why you would try this with taxonomy. I would suggest making a meta_key “country” with the values. Then you can query it like in the documentation: $user_query = new WP_User_Query( array( ‘meta_key’ => ‘country’, ‘meta_value’ => ‘Israel’ ) ); Not sure why your taxonomy-query doesnt work, looks fine also, i use it like … Read more