Meaning of @Resource annotation

First of all, to understand the point of @Resource you need to understand the Inversion of Control (IoC). Inversion of Control is a principle in software development which goes that the control of objects should be transferred to a container or a framework. Dependency Injection (DI) is a pattern of IoC implementation, where the control being inverted is the setting … Read more

intellij incorrectly saying no beans of type found for autowired repository

I had this same issue when creating a Spring Boot application using their @SpringBootApplication annotation. This annotation represents @Configuration, @EnableAutoConfiguration and @ComponentScan according to the spring reference. As expected, the new annotation worked properly and my application ran smoothly but, Intellij kept complaining about unfulfilled @Autowire dependencies. As soon as I changed back to using @Configuration, @EnableAutoConfiguration and @ComponentScan separately, the errors ceased. It seems Intellij 14.0.3 (and most likely, earlier versions too) is not yet … Read more

Only using @JsonIgnore during serialization, but not deserialization

Exactly how to do this depends on the version of Jackson that you’re using. This changed around version 1.9, before that, you could do this by adding @JsonIgnore to the getter. Which you’ve tried: Add @JsonIgnore on the getter method only Do this, and also add a specific @JsonProperty annotation for your JSON “password” field name to the setter method for the … Read more

@Autowired – No qualifying bean of type found for dependency

You should autowire interface AbstractManager instead of class MailManager. If you have different implemetations of AbstractManager you can write @Component(“mailService”) and then @Autowired @Qualifier(“mailService”) combination to autowire specific class. This is due to the fact that Spring creates and uses proxy objects based on the interfaces.