APC fragmention woes on Apache AWS EC2 Small instance with WordPress and W3TC [closed]

Generally speaking your apc.shm_size should be double your highest seen used amount. You want to try and prevent your cache full count from being higher than 0. You might want to also lower some of your ttls. I’m working with someone on AWS EC2 with 5 vhosts and we had to raise apc.shm_size to 512M … Read more

Speed up MU WordPress on Apache VPS?

I checked your site with webpagetest.org : http://www.webpagetest.org/result/130803_C5_3FE9/1/details/ You are loading a lot of information from a lot of different places– Facebook, Google, Twitter, Pinterest, doublclick… You are loading something like 80 resources from remote locations (To be honest, I lost count but that is in the ballpark). That is more than half– 55-60%– of … Read more

How to find out if an wp-admin action edited a file?

The system redirects after an update with updated=true. You could check for that GET parameter on the load-theme-editor.php hook, something like: add_action( ‘load-theme-editor.php’, function() { if (isset($_GET[‘updated’]) && true == $_GET[‘updated’]) { // clear the cache } } ); I looked for more specific hooks and couldn’t find any, by the way.

Caching: APC vs APCu vs OPcache

The mix up is usually because these extensions are about two unrelated technologies: opcode caching and key-value data store. For WordPress you prefereably want both. Opcode caching is really the “normal” way to run PHP (and lack of it is essentially crippled shared hosting way). Data store can *(and should) be used by WordPress object … Read more