How to Check the Version of my gcc?

The symlink to the 4.8.2 directory is nothing to worry about, it’s normal for the libstdc++ headers on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (and therefore CentOS) to be arranged like that. gcc –version will tell you the version of the gcc executable in your path. rpm -q libstdc++-devel will tell you the version of the package … Read more

Firewalld is not running [closed]

When I try to add a port to FirewallsD, I get the following exception: When I try to reload with centos 7 answers FirewallD is not running when I try to start with centos 7 answers FirewallD is not running What can I do?

Failed to start LSB :Bring Up down Networking

I am new to CentOS 7 and I am configuring a static IP on CentOS 7, so I have edited the file /etc/sysconfig/network-scipts/ifcfg-eth0 as following: But when I issue the command I am getting the error ip route show gives me no output. I have applied the solution that stops NetworkManager with the same existing error. I am … Read more

gcc: error: unrecognized command line option

A more deterministic way of pointing to the exact toolchain you want to use is to provide its full prefix when setting CROSS_COMPILE. This will avoid possible path-related errors, and the information on which exact toolchain was used for building will be embedded in your build script. Full example – installing official Arm gcc toolchain and … Read more