How can I clone/copy all fields (post and meta) from parent CPT post to child (with synced fields?)
How can I clone/copy all fields (post and meta) from parent CPT post to child (with synced fields?)
How can I clone/copy all fields (post and meta) from parent CPT post to child (with synced fields?)
Displaying child pages and file URL in an ACF relationship field shortcode
wordpress handle this using rewrite rules. in fact worpdress does redirect /bar to /foo/bar by default but it’s need rewrite rules to be configured correctly. maybe some plugin or custom rules is interrupting the default rewrite rules. try click on Save Changes in Settings > Permalink and see if auto redirect is fixed or not.
They aren’t “files” or “folders” per se, but you could achieve that URL structure. Custom code to create custom post types and taxonomies would be the ideal way, as that could then be filtered, searched, etc. However, you could also do this in a no-code way by adding Pages at each level. It’s difficult to … Read more
How to pull through page title depending on which radio button is selected on the specific page?
Add the parameter hierarchical to the array with value true. This will allow you to create child posts on your CPT. Source:
How to create archive child pages with good Yoast SEO meta?
I have a website issue I am trying to resolve
I tested this as a function. You can place it in your footer or functions.php theme file and call it in your themes footer section. See the comments for links to the functions used. function wpse_101774_footer() { // Start this part of footer on new line. echo “\n”; foreach ( array( 14, 19 ) as … Read more
Just change the ‘child_of’ => $post->ID argument to ‘child_of’ => 61, or whatever the ID of the parent page is.