Add Imports to Existing WordPress Import Map

Turns out to be quite simple in WordPress 6.5. Use wp_register_script_module to register the imports, and include them as dependencies in wp_enqueue_script_module: add_action(‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘enqueue_three_d_script’); function enqueue_three_d_script() { wp_register_script_module( ‘three’, “[email protected]/build/three.module.js”, array(), null ); wp_register_script_module( ‘three/addons/’, “[email protected]/examples/jsm/”, array(), null ); wp_enqueue_script_module( ‘three-d-script’, SCRIPTS_DIR . ‘threeDTest.js’, array(‘three’, ‘three/addons/’), null ); }

Disable creating sort index SELECT post_modified_gmt

Searching on Google for the mentioned query, I believe your assumption that it is coming from WordPress is correct. This ticket can be found at In my opinion, you should check what requests are coming to your website and block bad bots/users who are making multiple requests (based on that ticket, probably you have … Read more

WordPress internal functions : why not use them?

Internal/private functions (their names are prefixed with an underscore) can be subject to changes without a warning and break backward compatibility unlike the public functions in general. This makes the core developement move faster being able to change part of the code without having to take deprecation steps over multiple versions of core. Many internal … Read more

PHP Warning: Constant WP_CONTENT_URL already defined

You’ve got that constant defined in two places. The error message tells you where it is first defined: Warning: Constant WP_CONTENT_URL already defined in /var/www/html/my-website/wp-config.php on line 11 Look at line 11 of the wp-config.php file. I’d bet that you’ll find that constant defined there.

How to disable publish_future_post auto add wp_options cron

You could hook pre_schedule_event to stop scheduling them, e.g. function pre_schedule_event_no_publish_future_post( $result, $event, $wp_error ) { if ( $event->hook === ‘publish_future_post’ ) { // Don’t schedule this event return false; } return $result; } add_filter( ‘pre_schedule_event’, ‘pre_schedule_event_no_publish_future_post’, 10, 3 ); You could possibly remove the _future_post_hook call instead remove_action( ‘future_post’, ‘_future_post_hook’, 5, 2 ); but … Read more
