Cron jobs repeating themselves

The wp_schedule_single_event function in cron.php ( has a comment which says: // don’t schedule a duplicate if there’s already an identical event due in the next 10 minutes So I’d say that no it won’t trigger lots of calls for earlier in the day.

Pages for Cron use Only?

You could use php_sapi_name(). See this demo lifted from the developer docs <?php $sapi_type = php_sapi_name(); if (substr($sapi_type, 0, 3) == ‘cgi’) { echo “Your are probably a human”; } else { echo “You are probably not a human”; } ?> You could just apply this kind of conditional at the start of your script.

setting up a wp cron job

It depends what you mean by “I want the test.php file to be called not earlier then a specific time each day”. Setting up a cron job is very straightforward, you just need to simply do: <?php register_activation_hook( __FILE__, ‘prefix_activation’ ); /** * On activation, set a time, frequency and name of an action hook … Read more

does wordpress auto update work without a cron job?

The latest versions of WordPress will update automatically. AKA. you do absolutely nothing and then at random times you’ll receive an email telling you it has self updated. This does not require any cronjobs etc. As for setting this up, it may or may not require FTP credentials (can’t recall off the top of my … Read more

Huge cron option_value into wp_options table

This could be caused by many different things, as well as a result of a broken cron setup, where actions are being scheduled, but never run. The best way forward is to try and understand what is actually being scheduled or rescheduled, what are the action names? If you can find the action names, you’ll … Read more