Change letters for day name

In the comments, @vancoder points out that it appears day names are not capitalized in Norwegian. If you require that they be capitalized, you could do something like this: ucfirst( get_the_date( ‘l’, $post ) ) . get_the_date( ‘ d.m.Y’, $post ) . get_the_time( ‘ H:i’, $post ); …using PHP’s ucfirst() to force the first character … Read more

Separating publish date and last modified

The publish date is either when the post is originally published, or the date that you choose to set it as published in the Editor, so that is the part you can manually control. The modified date is whenever an update has most recently occurred, such as when the Update button is pressed in the … Read more

Bulk Updating Post Date in 1 day Increments

You could start from today and just work backwards, one day at a time: $start_hour = 8; $end_hour = 17; $date = new DateTime; foreach ( $posts as $post ) { $time = sprintf( /* Left-pad time values with zeros to two digits */ ‘%02d:%02d:%02d’, /* Random hour between start and end */ rand( $start_hour, … Read more

wp custom field date format compare

Hi @idontknowhow: You’ve focused on trying to solve the problem in PHP when in fact you needed to focus on the SQL. Your first problem was you reversed the “polarity” (which is a term I made up just now, but it kinda fits); you were looking for both a start date that was greater than … Read more

Display posts starting from today date

According to query_posts you could do a filtering function like: function filter_where( $where=”” ) { // where post_date > today $where .= ” AND post_date >= ‘” . date(‘Y-m-d’) . “‘”; return $where; } add_filter( ‘posts_where’, ‘filter_where’ ); And then your query_posts doesn’t need to have post_status

Can anyone clarify difference between archive-{posttype}.php, type-{posttype} and date.php?

You should consider asking one question at a time. And lastly: is there a template to be created which outputs all the years and months of the custom post type with wp_get_archives()? Or do I have to create a different template to create them for each post-type? You mean like this: