How to allow shortcodes in image descriptions?
Could you please try to use the wp_get_attachment_caption hook, this will helps you in enabling shortcode for Image caption field. add_filter( ‘wp_get_attachment_caption’, ‘do_shortcode’ );
Could you please try to use the wp_get_attachment_caption hook, this will helps you in enabling shortcode for Image caption field. add_filter( ‘wp_get_attachment_caption’, ‘do_shortcode’ );
Your site’s homepage has no description set. Since I see you are using a static page for the homepage, ensure that you are providing a description using Yoast SEO plugin when editing the page. Anyway, as in the screenshot, the homepage is not updated by Google (It takes sometime to update).
Help with get_categories code
I solve this problem by using WordPress Filter hooks I use the filter render_block, to hook in altering the existing HTML So I created custom_render_block_core_navigation_submenu hook function. Inside my hook I am using conditions to avoid storing my modified code in the database. Target the type of block (core/navigation-submenu) Only render in the front-end Don’t alter … Read more
I’m not certain as I have no experience of ACADP, but I suspect your problem is the function, acadp_get_user_slug. What does it do? Likely not what you think! As the following will work for the user admim: function display_user_bio() { $user_slug = ‘admin’; if($user_slug != ”) { $user = get_user_by(‘login’, $user_slug); if($user) { return get_the_author_meta(‘description’, … Read more
get meta description of rank math in single post for schema
How can I fixe the article title problem?
Term description works only with term id and the taxonomy name, so if you want to get the sub term’s description, you should first get all the children of a term(and their children, if its another level deep) and loop over their ids with a single term_description call per id. <?php $my_taxonomy = ‘institute’; $terms … Read more
The key filter is force_balance_tags. Don’t remove that one, as it’s responsible for making sure that HTML tags are closed.
There is a ticket related to this issue. The short answer is there isn’t a good fix. The core creates description fields that cannot hold more than 255 characters. Sorry 🙁