C fopen vs open

First, there is no particularly good reason to use fdopen if fopen is an option and open is the other possible choice. You shouldn’t have used open to open the file in the first place if you want a FILE *. So including fdopen in that list is incorrect and confusing because it isn’t very … Read more

Batch file to copy files from one folder to another folder

xcopy.exe is definitely your friend here. It’s built into Windows, so its cost is nothing. Just xcopy /s c:\source d:\target You’d probably want to tweak a few things; some of the options we also add include these: /s/e – recursive copy, including copying empty directories. /v – add this to verify the copy against the original. slower, but for … Read more

Reading multiple lines from a file using getline()

You are trying to read each line twice. Change it to: EDIT: To answer your questions: How does getline() work?Reads the entire line up to ‘\n’ character or the delimiting character specified. http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/string/string/getline/?kw=getline After reading the line, the control goes to the next line in the file.Also, it returns a boolean value of true if … Read more