get_row returns empty when data exists

You have several things going on there and I may not be able to sort them all out. Unless $wpdb->cf7dbplugin_submits has been added to the $wpdb object your query won’t work. You will need something like {$wpdb->prefix}cf7dbplugin_submits instead but I can’t really guess at the right value. You don’t need to swap in 9999. That … Read more

wpdb get_row database query inquiry

For Placehold to work, you should use $wpdb->query like: $wpdb->query( $wpdb->prepare( ” SELECT * FROM mailer WHERE id = %d “, $_GET[‘caId’] ) ); However in my opinion, the best option is to simply validate the get-parameter and than use it in $wpdb->get_results , like: $catId = $_GET[‘caId’]; if(is_numeric($catId)){ $_crds = $wpdb->get_results(” SELECT * FROM … Read more

Show post thumbs in rows instead of columns

Easiest way to control column and/or row layouts I know of is to make use of modulus. I broke it down in a tutorial and use it with wordpress in my examples. WordPress and PHP Modulus The first example is basic, while the second is a bit more advanced and utilizes post images/attachments. If it … Read more

Handling repeater data

Try: $fields = get_field(“updates_list”). And then print_r to see what’s inside. You should have a nice looking array with all repeater fields and values inside. Then, stop using have_rows and get_row and just loop using a foreach loop. get_field() is usually used to retrieve a unique field, but because it’s a repeater field you get … Read more

Querying specific table row by current user login

Welcome! WordPress already have a table for users. Also, there is another table named usermeta that will allow you to save extra information for users. There are some functions that allow developers to get information from user and usermeta tables without using custom database queries. add_user_meta update_user_meta delete_user_meta get_user_meta Solution: As mentioned in the question, … Read more