How can I center

Since ul and li elements are display: block by default — give them auto margins and a width that is smaller than their container. If you’ve changed their display property, or done something that overrides normal alignment rules (such as floating them) then this won’t work.

How to make a

List items are normally block elements. Turn them into inline elements via the display property. In the code you gave, you need to use a context selector to make the display: inline property apply to the list items, instead of the list itself (applying display: inline to the overall list will have no effect): Here … Read more

How to semantically add heading to a list

As Felipe Alsacreations has already said, the first option is fine. If you want to ensure that nothing below the list is interpreted as belonging to the heading, that’s exactly what the HTML5 sectioning content elements are for. So, for instance you could do

How can I center

Since ul and li elements are display: block by default — give them auto margins and a width that is smaller than their container. If you’ve changed their display property, or done something that overrides normal alignment rules (such as floating them) then this won’t work.

HTML list-style-type dash

You could use :before and content: bearing in mind that this is not supported in IE 7 or below. If you’re OK with that then this is your best solution. See the Can I Use or QuirksMode CSS compatibility tables for full details. A slightly nastier solution that should work in older browsers is to … Read more