What’s the easiest way to periodically (automatically) read static Markdown content into a WP page?

I achieved that using WP-Cron capabilities. add_action(‘wp’, ‘wpse_26170_activation’); function wpse_26170_activation() { if ( !wp_next_scheduled( ‘wpse_26170_update_readme_page’ ) ) { wp_schedule_event( current_time( ‘timestamp’ ), ‘daily’, ‘wpse_26170_update_readme_page’); } } function wpse_26170_update_readme_page() { $page = array( ‘ID’ => 767, ‘post_content’ => Markdown( file_get_contents( ‘path/to/readme.markdown’ ) ) ); if ( // Filters return true if they existed before you removed … Read more

Markdown everywhere?

No, and I’m not aware of any plans to introduce it into WordPress core. That functionality has been added by WordPress.com. There are numerous plug-ins which add this feature, to name but a few: WP Markdown (I authored this) Markdown on Save JetPack

GitHub .md files to WordPress pages

I have found a plugin called WordPress GitHub Sync. It should be able to synchronize both ways. It hasn’t been updated in 5 months and it lacks a lot of documentation but I was able to import a file from my GitHub repository into WordPress. I still have to figure out how it exactly works, … Read more

Enable / Add Custom Keyboard Shortcuts To Work With WordPress’ HTML Editor

The toolbar / editor used on Stack Exchange websites (and in my plug-in WP-MarkDown) is PageDown. This comes with three JavaScript files: One that handles MarkDown to HTML conversion One that handles sanitization One that handles the editor (the toolbar and previewer) Included in the latter are the MarkDown keyboard shortcuts you mentioned. The following … Read more

Migrating Markdown (from Drupal)

Note: The following is largely untested (It worked after testing on one post). As you’ve pointed out when you edit a post, the plug-in takes the content in the database (HTML) and converts that to MarkDown for editing. Since in your case the content is actually not in HTML, but already in MarkDown, we want … Read more