Updating a remote media library plugin, wich breaks on php 8.1 update [closed]
Updating a remote media library plugin, wich breaks on php 8.1 update [closed]
Updating a remote media library plugin, wich breaks on php 8.1 update [closed]
How to add a post page from a button without reloading
WordPress is adding “-1” to the filename of media items
solved it actually the directories need 0755
Getting your form to upload an image as soon as it is selected rather that submitted is pretty straightforward, as you can submit the form whenever a field changes like this: <form action=”http://example.com” method=”post” action=”#”> <input type=”file” onchange=”form.submit()” /> </form> The difficulty is in keeping track of this at the server end. The user may … Read more
From your comment I understand you are trying to upload a webp image. This format is supported since WordPress 5.8. However, for this to actually work, your server needs webp support as well. The error message says this is not the case. More in detail: the PHP installation on the server comes with one or … Read more
As far as I know, that feature is not officially supported, so there is no easy way to achieve it. But if you must, then it can be made possible by extending the wp.media.model.Selection.prototype.add function which is used to add new items to the selection list. Working example: (tried & tested with WordPress v6.2.2) ( … Read more
The PDF images created by wordpress are stored within the PDF attachment object metadata. [ { “id”: 121, “media_type”: “file”, “mime_type”: “application/pdf”, … “media_details”: { “sizes”: { “full”: { … “source_url”: “<domain>/wp-content/uploads/document-name-pdf.jpg” } } ] Extracting the image from the PDF Adding an image block or adding a featured image to a post requires an … Read more
It looks like the issue is coming because of the conflict of the hooks (manage_media_columns and manage_{$screen->id}_columns) because when we manage_{$screen->id}_columns used for media it becomes manage_media_columns and started conflicting. The same details are mentioned in the documentation link of the hook. Link: https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/hooks/manage_screen-id_columns/#more-information
You can move the files and use the Search & Replace plugin to easily change all occurrences of /uploads/2023/06 in your posts to /uploads/2023/06/21. Note: before using the plugin, I recommend you to make a backup from your database.