Can a normal Class implement multiple interfaces?

A Java class can only extend one parent class. Multiple inheritance (extends) is not allowed. Interfaces are not classes, however, and a class can implement more than one interface. The parent interfaces are declared in a comma-separated list, after the implements keyword. In conclusion, yes, it is possible to do:

Multiple Inheritance in C#

Since multiple inheritance is bad (it makes the source more complicated) C# does not provide such a pattern directly. But sometimes it would be helpful to have this ability. C# and the .net CLR have not implemented MI because they have not concluded how it would inter-operate between C#, and the other languages yet, … Read more

What does ‘super’ do in Python? – difference between super().__init__() and explicit superclass __init__()

The benefits of super() in single-inheritance are minimal — mostly, you don’t have to hard-code the name of the base class into every method that uses its parent methods. However, it’s almost impossible to use multiple-inheritance without super(). This includes common idioms like mixins, interfaces, abstract classes, etc. This extends to code that later extends yours. If somebody … Read more