Images in sub-pages fail to load

Your problem has nothing to do with htaccess. It’s that you’re using relative paths where you should be using absolute paths. (Here’s an explanation of the difference) Probably the best way to reference any assets in your theme (assuming your theme has an “images” subdirectory) is to do something like: <?php echo get_bloginfo(‘template_url’) ?>/images/your_image.jpg The … Read more

Absolute path in WordPress Network site

It is a googd practice to write references to files from CSS file using relative path to the theme and not one absolute. So, for instance: background: transparent url(‘images/sprite_phone.png’) no-repeat 0 0; Anyway, on your case there is something wrong with the uploaded file, because none of the paths you give above work.

Path for contact form file

You could put both the form and processing logic in the same file and submit the form to the same page by omitting the action attribute. Check $_POST vars to see if the form has been submitted and do your processing, otherwise display the form. if( isset( $_POST[‘somevar’] ) ) : // process submission else … Read more

bloginfo no show the right path

the codex says get_stylesheet_directory_uri(); returns a properly-formed URI; in other words, it will be a web-address (starting with http:// or https:// for SSL). As such. i don’t understand why it’s not working for you, try to use get_template_directory_uri(); in the event a child theme is being used, the parent theme directory URI will be returned, … Read more