What paths does WordPress use for itself on a domain?

Aside from those that are files in the WordPress installation, mostly beginning with wp-, these are also added: /login/ redirects to wp-login.php /admin/ redirects to /wp-admin/ /feed/ RSS feeds Any other clashes are likely because of pages with clashing slugs, or 3rd party plugins ( you will need to ask plugin authors or test )

How to add a breadcrumb to WordPress header?

I always like the non-plugin solution, even if it’s a hard one. To create a breadcrumb, you will need to functions. One, will create a chain of items ( such as categories ) for you. This will be used to form the breadcrumb later: function get_category_parents( $id, $link = false, $separator=”https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/”, $nicename = false, $visited … Read more