How to install numpy to Python 3.5?

Although using virtual environment is advisable in many use-cases, it is not strictly required. You can have a system python3.5 and a pip installation associated with it. Note that Python 3.5 is now end-of-life and pip has now dropped support. The final version of pip supporting Python 3.5 was 20.3.4 (Jan 2021). Download this file: pip-20.3.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl Bootstrap a pip installation using the wheel … Read more

How to install NumPy for Python 3.6

I am using Python 3.6b3 for a long running project, developing on Windows. For this project I also need NumPy. I’ve tried Python36 -m pip install numpy, but it seems that pip is not yet in the beta. What’s the best way to install NumPy for Python 3.6b3? [EDIT: Added installation log, after using ensurepip]

How to install Openpyxl with pip

I have windows 10 (64 bit). I want to utilize the Openpyxl package to start learning how to interact with excel and other spreadsheets. I installed Python with “windowsx86-64web-basedinstaller” I have a 64 bit OS, was I mistaken when trying to install this version?