Trying to use value in form submission to check against external API
Trying to use value in form submission to check against external API
Trying to use value in form submission to check against external API
Ninja Forms: Front-End Forms, Post ID?
According to comments above, there is no “global” equivalent for functions. So I’m just gonna live with the warning, since everything works.
Ninja Forms – pull in some post related information
Finally I have found a way to accomplish this , The solution to problem is to call update the field setting function function ninja_forms_change_required_field(){ add_action( ‘ninja_forms_before_pre_process’, ‘ninja_forms_code’ ); } add_action( ‘init’, ‘ninja_forms_change_required_field’ ); function ninja_forms_code(){ global $ninja_forms_processing; if(!is_user_logged_in()){ $data[‘req’] = ‘0’; $ninja_forms_processing->update_field_settings(135, $data); } } If a field is required then then $data[‘req’] = ‘1’
Please use Ninja Forms support. They recently made a large update and are continuously making improvements.
If you don’t want to touch code, you could create a page whose content only logged-in users can see. That way only valid users can see the form. You’d want to look for a content restriction / membership plugin to handle the protection of that page. You can set a field – perhaps their email … Read more
How do I disable Pods/Elementor while using Ninja Forms?
Adding a new hidden field based on a condition in Ninja Forms
Submitting product attributes via Ninja Forms wordpress?