Cannot create posts via REST API
Sheepishly: The authorization field needs a space between “Basic” and the token. Problem solved.
Sheepishly: The authorization field needs a space between “Basic” and the token. Problem solved.
I ended up giving the wordpress api a go, and so far things are good. I found it easier to build an example post in the UI, retrieve the post using the API, and then use the retrieved fields to build a new post.
Python rest api post article, update problem
How to Save User Input to CSV in Python BeeWare Toga App?
What you are trying to do is not something that endpoint is capable of. You can create attachments, you can even rotate and crop the file, but you cannot replace the attached file. When cropping/scaling/rotating an image, a new attachment and ID are created for the newly edited image. However, sending an UPDATE/PUT/POST request to … Read more
Can’t retrieve user email address with REST API
As you can see in the list of fields in the documentation, where author_email is listed, some fields are only available in the edit context. You can set the context by adding ?context=edit to your request but this will require the request to be authenticated. This is to ensure that personal data is not publicly … Read more
Cannot upload CSV via REST API: ‘Sorry, not allowed to upload this file type.’ but it does work through the WordPress Dashboard
Edit – Solution: the issue was that the url had http and not https, it seems i have to use the https version, although its weird I kept getting 200 response before.
Ok, I found the solution. First of all, you have to $handle = popen(‘env python ‘. DIR . “” . $data[‘file’], ‘r’); More importantly, I had to install Python 2.7.2 on Bluehost