Using WordPress API to mass update posts freezes the server

This guy here got the following results doing something like “If you are importing a high volume of posts, go make a cup of tea. For this tutorial, I have created around ~1600 dummy posts. The progress bar below is up to 429/1600 after 4 minutes. It took around 15 minutes to complete the 1600 … Read more

How many users/load can the rest API handle?

Can the WordPress rest API be used by thousands of public users at the same time Public users can use the REST API yes, though their access will be more restricted, e.g. you can see my sites rest API at, but good luck trying to create a post without a login 🙂 or is … Read more

Send Order Confirmation automatically to customer’s mobile number

This is an e-commerce plugin called Woocommerce, you need to read up on their hooks, such as woocommerce_new_order here. The code you pasted would usually go inside the active theme’s functions.php. All the themes are located in wp-content/themes, you can easily check which theme is active in the admin dashboard under Appearance -> Themes in … Read more

Zoho subscription API to WordPress [closed]

If you believe that there won’t be frequent changes to the plans and addons, you can hard code the HTML pages displaying the plans and addons for your customer to select. Once the customer selects the plans and addons, you can use the Plan Specific URL in to embed the Zoho Subscriptions’ checkout page.{{encryptedID}}/{{plan_code}} … Read more

WordPress SMS API integration without plugin

I think this is the error. The last variable $msg is incorrectly inserted. Here is the corrected code. function mysite_woocommerce_order_status_processing( $order_id ) { $mobile=”123456″; $url=”****/api.php?username=******&password=1234&source=UPDATE&dmobile=”.$mobile.”&message=””.$msg.”””; $response = wp_remote_get( $url ); //print_r($response); } add_action( ‘woocommerce_order_status_processing’,’mysite_woocommerce_order_status_processing’ );

How to login via wordpress api and get user details?

1. Install and activate JWT Authentication for WP REST API plugin, also install WP REST API plugin 2. Now you can run any wordpress default api from mobile app or any other source or by postman. for example hit this url from your app or by postman. 3. By app or by postman, When … Read more