React Props is Not Defined

you’re miss-reading this error. props is not undefined, what is calling props is undefined, which is the this keyword. you can manually set the context of the map function by passing in a second parameter, this) or bind it inline

react-router vs react-router-dom, when to use one or the other?

react-router contains all the common components between react-router-dom and react-router-native. When should you use one over the other? If you’re on the web then react-router-dom should have everything you need as it also exports the common components you’ll need. If you’re using React Native, react-router-native should have everything you need for the same reason. So … Read more

How to get parameter value from query string?

React Router v6, using hooks In react-router-dom v6 there’s a new hook named useSearchParams. So with you will get “blablabla”. Note, that searchParams is an instance of URLSearchParams, which also implements an iterator, e.g. for using Object.fromEntries etc. React Router v4/v5, without hooks, generic React Router v4 does not parse the query for you any more, but … Read more

Invariant Violation: Could not find “store” in either the context or props of “Connect(SportsDatabase)”

Full code here: Hi, I have an application where it shows different templates for desktop and mobile on basis of build environment. I am successfully able to develop it where I need to hide the navigation menu for my mobile template. right now I am able to write one test case where it fetches … Read more

How to allow CORS in react.js?

Possible repeated question from How to overcome the CORS issue in ReactJS CORS works by adding new HTTP headers that allow servers to describe the set of origins that are permitted to read that information using a web browser. This must be configured in the server to allow cross domain. You can temporary solve this … Read more

React Native: JAVA_HOME is not set and no ‘java’ command could be found in your PATH

I’ll answer my own questions and sponfeed my fellow linux users: 1- To point JAVA_HOME to the JRE included with Android Studio first locate the Android Studio installation folder, then find the /jre directory. That directory’s full path is what you need to set JAVA_PATH to (thanks to @TentenPonce for his answer). On linux, you can set JAVA_HOME … Read more