High load average, low CPU usage – why?

With some further investigation, it appears that the performance problem is mostly due to a high number of network calls between two systems (Oracle SSXA and UCM). The calls are quick but plenty and serialized, hence the low CPU usage (mostly waiting for I/O), the high load average (many calls waiting to be processed) and … Read more

How do I sleep for a millisecond in bash or ksh

Bash has a “loadable” sleep which supports fractional seconds, and eliminates overheads of an external command: $ cd bash-3.2.48/examples/loadables $ make sleep && mv sleep sleep.so $ enable -f sleep.so sleep Then: $ which sleep /usr/bin/sleep $ builtin sleep sleep: usage: sleep seconds[.fraction] $ time (for f in `seq 1 10`; do builtin sleep 0.1; … Read more

What is the reason and how to avoid the [FIN, ACK] , [RST] and [RST, ACK]

Here is a rough explanation of the concepts. [ACK] is the acknowledgement that the previously sent data packet was received. [FIN] is sent by a host when it wants to terminate the connection; the TCP protocol requires both endpoints to send the termination request (i.e. FIN). So, suppose host A sends a data packet to host B and then host B wants … Read more