How to correctly cleaning wordpress options table
How to correctly cleaning wordpress options table
How to correctly cleaning wordpress options table
I have resolved it eventually. I suspect this was an injection attack on the system by a bot that managed to create a user account for itself. One lesson learned is to govern user creation more strictly. But it’s still not fully clear what/how the intruder acted, so if somebody has a clue, share in … Read more
Here’s a sample SQL query that demonstrates this approach: SELECT MONTH(p.post_date) AS month, pm.meta_value AS shipping_method, COUNT(*) AS order_count FROM wp_posts p JOIN wp_postmeta pm ON p.ID = pm.post_id JOIN wp_woocommerce_order_items oi ON p.ID = oi.order_id WHERE p.post_type=”shop_order” AND pm.meta_key = ‘_shipping_method’ AND p.post_date >= ‘2021-01-01’ AND p.post_date < ‘2022-01-01’ GROUP BY month, shipping_method Replace … Read more
SQL query based on two different custom field values
How to speed up WP_Posts_List_Table __construct() Query on a wordpress website with over 1 million posts?
How to short circuit a wordpress query that is not related to posts?
Help writing out comments and replies
By using Product Import Export for WooCommerce plugin you can skip/Choose column to include or exclude and export the products data.
As with any CMS that uses a database, WordPress stores content in the database so you wouldn’t see it in the files. It should be possible to recreate the site from what you have. If you’d like to work on it on your local machine then upload to a hosting account when you’re ready, LocalWP … Read more
Remove posts that start with similar words (like a delete duplicate posts plugin)