multisite shared settings

Update from comments To convert an array of options to site options, you can try something like this: add_action( ‘init’, ‘wpse245699_use_site_options’ ); function wpse245699_use_site_options() { // Uses site options for these options. $required_site_options = array( ‘some_option_name’, ‘another_option_name’, ‘and_another_one’, ); foreach( $required_site_options as $option ) { add_action( ‘update_option_’ . $option, ‘wpse245699_update_site_option’, 10, 3 ); add_filter( ‘pre_option_’ … Read more

Smarter Document Management links between three WordPress sites sought

There is nothing in WP that specifically deals with cross–site communication. Every WP site is an island by design. However there are plenty helpful bits and pieces to rig suitable solutions for many use cases. As far as I follow your case I would imagine something like this: Central sites hosts documents (in whatever way … Read more

copy fields value to another field

You do not need to, instead add the user URL column to the list of searchable table columns Which includes a user contributed example that does this: add_filter( ‘user_search_columns’, ‘wpdocs_filter_function_name’, 10, 3 ); function wpdocs_filter_function_name( $search_columns, $search, $wp_user_query ) { $search_columns[] = ‘user_url’; return $search_columns; } With this, no syncing to a URL … Read more