TCP congestion control version: HTCP module vs highspeed module in linux kernel

Doesn’t HTCP stands for highspeed TCP? No. It stands for TCP for high-speed and long-distance networks and is described in this document from the Hamilton Institute. HighSpeed TCP is published in RFC 3649. So what is the differences between “HTCP” and “highspeed” module here? The common point first, is that they want to turn high bandwidth long distance networks more efficient. The main difference, … Read more

Does TCP send a SYN/ACK on every packet or only on the first connection?

It’s kinda like: SYN starts a connection; you’ll usually only see it when the connection’s being established. But all data being sent via TCP requires an ACK. Every byte sent must be accounted for, or it will be retransmitted (or the connection reset (closed), in severe cases). Actual connections aren’t usually exactly like the diagram above, though, … Read more