Thesis RSS hook?

The frustrating thing about this problem (since the RSS subscribe menu item appears by default) is that the option to disable it is only visible when using the “Thesis Nav Menu” – which is now disabled by default, in favor of the WP nav menu system. If you go to Thesis Site Options -> Navigation … Read more

Random order of posts on each request

Use jQuery on your page to sort the divs. Ideally you want your divs to all have the same CLASS so you can identify which divs to randomize. I’m not familiar with the thesis theme but presumably there is a testimonials.php or something similar you could modify. If so, add your jQuery in there. Here’s … Read more

How to remove related post from home page

Simply if(!is_home() && !is_front_page()) add_action( ‘thesis_hook_after_post’, ‘my_related_posts’ ); will do that for you. It will not do the add_action() when we are at the home page or not any front page. If it doesn’t work for you, may be you need to contact with the Thesis team.
