What condition does while(true) test? When is it true and false?

When is while(true) true, and when is it false? It’s always true, it’s never false. Some people use while(true) loops and then use break to exit them when a certain condition is true, but it’s generally quite sloppy practice and not recommended. Without the use of break, return, System.exit(), or some other such mechanism, it will keep looping forever.

Exit while loop in Python

The while loop will match the condition only when the control returns back to it, i.e when the for loops are executed completely. So, that’s why your program doesn’t exits immediately even though the condition was met. But, in case the condition was not met for any values of a,b,c then your code will end up in an infinite loop. You … Read more

How can I stop a While loop?

just indent your code correctly: You need to understand that the break statement in your example will exit the infinite loop you’ve created with while True. So when the break condition is True, the program will quit the infinite loop and continue to the next indented block. Since there is no following block in your code, the function … Read more

Sentinel while loop for C++

A “sentinel” in this context is a special value used to indicate the end of a sequence. The most common sentinel is \0 at the end of strings. A “sentinel while loop” would typically have the form:

‘do…while’ vs. ‘while’

If you always want the loop to execute at least once. It’s not common, but I do use it from time to time. One case where you might want to use it is trying to access a resource that could require a retry, e.g.