How to add button to WYSIWYG to insert shortcode with params (filled in system popup)?
How to add button to WYSIWYG to insert shortcode with params (filled in system popup)?
How to add button to WYSIWYG to insert shortcode with params (filled in system popup)?
WYSIWYG – Custom field inside link
You are using esc_attr in your table_data function. This will encode the html in your variable in such a way that it is no longer recognized as html. So the browser will display “<br>” rather than insert a line break.
A base-Element in the front-end’s header was the reason, why it worked in the fe but not in the editor.
So, I figured it out through this post..Applying oembed filters to WYSIWYG field My solution by using timber/twig is to get the data in the single.php, and here is the code: $post_meta = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(),’my_wysiswg’, true); $post_meta = $wp_embed->autoembed( $post_meta ); $post_meta = $wp_embed->run_shortcode( $post_meta ); $post_meta = do_shortcode( $post_meta ); $post_meta = wpautop( $post_meta ); … Read more
A “workaround” that I found which made it work for me today is to add: define( ‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false ); to the end of wp-config.php
You can do it manually, but you can use the WP Super Edit Plugin, which facilitates things a little bit.
as per here, add this to your functions.php add_action(“admin_head”,”myplugin_load_tiny_mce”); function myplugin_load_tiny_mce() { wp_tiny_mce( false ); // true gives you a stripped down version of the editor }
Just found this: apparently they call this a “WYSIWYG theme platform”.
You simply set the parameter to false when you create the editor, which you do with a call to the_editor as follows: <?php the_editor($customcontent, $id = ‘CustomContent’, $prev_id = ‘title’, $media_buttons = false, $tab_index = 2); ?> The first parameter is the content that should be used to fill the editor when the page loads, … Read more