Target a specific page/template in jQuery

Approach 1

Use the body class. all templates will have a class representing them. ie: body.archive, body.single, body.home, etc. It will even have specific tax/post type classes for more granular control. Wrap your js function in something that checks for that body class. The following should do the trick:


if ( $( 'body' ).first().hasClass( 'archive' ) ) {...}

Plain JS

const body = document.querySelector('body');
if ( body.classList.contains('archive') ) {...}

Note: Body classes may be tweaked to your needs via the body_class filter, and the body_class() function must be on your body element.

Function (make sure this is on your body element):

body_class() | Function | WordPress Developer Resources

Filter (Use this to manipulate):

body_class | Hook | WordPress Developer Resources

Approach 2

You could also target this template in php and wrap your wp_enqueue_script for this file (as long as that is all that is in this file, and you need nothing else) in a conditional to check, ie: is_archive(), is_single(), is_home().

If you bundle your assets, use the first approach.