You can control the size of the embedded TED video by using the shortcode:
[ted id="1650" width="300" height="200"]
If you want to have it predefined, you can use:
$atts['width']=600; // Default width
$atts['height']=400; // Default height
so the code here will be:
// Whitelist the TEDTalks oEmbed URL
wp_oembed_add_provider( '*', '' );
function ted_shortcode( $atts ) {
// We need to use the WP_Embed class instance
global $wp_embed;
// width:
$atts['width']=600; // Default width
// height:
$atts['height']=400; // Default height
// The "id" parameter is required
if ( empty($atts['id']) )
return '';
// Construct the TEDTalk URL
$url="" . $atts['id'];
// Run the URL through the handler.
// This handler handles calling the oEmbed class
// and more importantly will also do the caching!
return $wp_embed->shortcode( $atts, $url );
add_shortcode( 'ted', 'ted_shortcode' );