use of tag into wordpress

I think that WordPress currently not allow the svg tag in his editor. But you can change this, see this answer for more hints, background.

I think the follow small source should help you to allow this tag and his attribute. Copy in a plugin (add a plugin header) and activate. But I think, that you enhanced the tags and his attribute. svg use a lot of tags, attributes if I see this example.

add_filter( 'tiny_mce_before_init', 'fb_tinymce_add_pre' );
function fb_tinymce_add_pre( $initArray ) {

    // Comma separated string od extendes tags
    // Command separated string of extended elements

    if ( isset( $initArray['extended_valid_elements'] ) ) {
        $initArray['extended_valid_elements'] .= ',' . $ext;
    } else {
        $initArray['extended_valid_elements'] = $ext;
    // maybe; set tiny paramter verify_html
    //$initArray['verify_html'] = false;

    return $initArray;

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